1. Тема
| 1. А Double lives
B Britishness
C First impressions
Grammar: Stative & dynamic verbs. Present simple & present continuous. Subject & object questions
вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| A 1. What are people most likely to lie about?
A 2. Are all lies bad – or can you tell a ‘good lie”?
B 1. What national symbols or distinctive characteristics are associated with your country?
B 2. Are you proud to be a citizen of your country?
C 1. What was your first impression of someone new? What did he/she look like?
C 2.Was your first impression accurate?
задания для самостоятельной работы
| Workbook
1. выполнение упражнений в письменной форме с. 4-7
2. чтение, аудирование с. 8, CD “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”
3. чтение, письмо с. 64-65 “A description of a best friend”
4. write an article “My best friend” с. 65
литература (основная, дополнительная),
| 1. Straightforward. Intermediate student’s book c. 6-15
2. Workbook c. 4-8, 64-65
3. Vocabulary notes p.10-21// Савватеева А.В. Новый практический курс английского языка –М., 2000
4.The United Kingdom p.279// Бонк Н.А. Учебник английского языка
5. Great Britain p.116// Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы
6.“English towns”/Савватеева А.В. и др. кассеты к «Практическому курсу англ. языка»
2. Тема
| 2. A Journeys
B Down under
C Getting around
Grammar Present perfect & past simple. Present perfect & past simple 2.
вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| A 1. What’s the longest journey you have ever taken?
A 2. Would you ever go on an overland journey to more that 3 countries?
B 1. What can a tourist see or do in Australia?
B 2. How would you spend a month in Australia? Would you rather go surfing, have a beach barbecue or go scuba diving?
C 1. What’s the quickest way of travelling round your town?
C 2. What’s the most popular form of transport for people going to work?
задания для самостоятельной работы
| Workbook
1. выполнение упражнений в письменной форме с. 9-12
2. чтение, аудирование с. 13, CD “A hero’s return”
3. чтение, письмо с. 66-67 “A description of a town or a city”
4. write a guide to your town or a city с. 67
литература (основная, дополнительная)
| 1. Straightforward. Intermediate student’s book c. 16-25
2. Workbook c. 9-13, 66-67
3. Let us travel / Е.Н. Квасюк, М.М. Лукина // Методическое пособие. – Мурманск, 2006
4. Travelling over English-Speaking countries / Е.Н. Квасюк, Т.В. Куликова, Е.В. Мелёхина // Методическое пособие. – Мурманск, 2004
5. В.В. Ощепкова, И.И. Шустилова Britain in Brief. – М.: Новая школа, 1997.
3. Тема
| 3. A Dream homes
B Bedrooms
C Dinner date
Grammar Modals of obligation, permission & prohibition (present time). Make, let & allow. Modals of obligation, permission & prohibition (past time).
вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| A 1. What facilities does your part of town have? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living where you live?
A 2. Would you like to live somewhere completely different? Where?
B 1. Do you find it easy to get to sleep? What do you do when you can’t get to sleep?
B 2. Do you usually remember your dreams the next morning?
C 1. Does your country have a good reputation for food?
C 2. How often do you go to a restaurant or have a meal with friends? What’s your favourite dish?
задания для самостоятельной работы
| Workbook
1. выполнение упражнений в письменной форме с. 14-17
2. чтение, аудирование с. 1, CD “Interview”
3. чтение, письмо с. 68 -69 “Advantages and disadvantages”
4. write a composition “The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad” c. 69
литература (основная, дополнительная),
| 1. Straightforward. Intermediate student’s book c. 26-35
2. Workbook c. 14-17, 68-69
3. My flat p.98// Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы
4. English meals p.176. My meals p.178// Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы
5. Education in Britain c. 53-75 // В.В. Ощепкова, И.И. Шустилова Britain in Brief. – М.: Новая школа, 1997.
4. Тема
| 4. A Luck of the draw
B Coincidences
C Twists of fate
Grammar Past simple & past continuous. Past perfect simple.
вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| A 1. What are the risks involved in playing the lottery?
A 2. What was the last big risk you took?
B 1. Talk about similarities and differences between two people.
C 1. Do you think of yourself as especially lucky or unlucky? Are some people naturally lucky?
C 2. What do you think luck is?
задания для самостоятельной работы
| Workbook
1. выполнение упражнений в письменной форме с. 19-22
2. чтение, аудирование с. 23, CD “The lover of the lottery ”
3. чтение, письмо с. 70-71“A narrative: Lottery winner”
4. write a story about a lottery winner с. 71
литература (основная, дополнительная),
| 1. Straightforward. Intermediate student’s book c. 36-45
2. Workbook c. 19-22, 70-71
3. Entertainments p.362// Бонк Н.А. Учебник английского языка
4. Holidays in Russia and Gr.Br. p.182-186// Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы
5. Тема
| 5. A Hard sell
B The office
C Paperwork
Grammar Comparatives 1, 2. Comparing nouns.
вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| A 1. Is it OK for companies to advertise in schools? Is there too much advertising in the world today?
A 2. Have you ever bought anything as a result of an ad you’ve seen?
B 1. Have you worked in an office? What is daily life like in an office? Name things you find in every office.
B 2. What kind of relationships do people have in offices?
C 1. What items of stationery do you have with you now? Do you love buying stationery?
C 2. Have computers reduces the amount of paper in our life?
задания для самостоятельной работы
| Workbook
1. выполнение упражнений в письменной форме с. 24-28
2. чтение, аудирование с. 28, CD “Do you know what your kids spend money on?”
3. чтение, письмо с. 72-73 “An advertisement”
4. write an advertisement с.73
литература (основная, дополнительная),
| 1. Straightforward. Intermediate student’s book c. 46-55
2. Workbook c. 24-28, 72-73
3. My working day p.100-102// Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы
4. Libraries p.132// Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы
6. Тема
| 6. A Summer holiday
B Perfect day
C Travel plans
Grammar Future 1 (future plans). Future 2 (predictions). Present tenses in future time clauses. Indirect questions
вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| A 1. Do you take regular holidays? Do you usually holiday in your country or abroad?
A 2. Are you a good packer? What would you find in your ideal hotel?
B 1. When you want a day out do you prefer town or countryside? Walking, sport, sightseeing or shopping?
B 2. What is the best day out in this area for a family with young children?
C 1. When you go on holiday do you ever use a travel agent? How can he help you?
C 2. Would you book a plane flight over the phone, at a travel agent or on the internet?
задания для самостоятельной работы
| Workbook
1. выполнение упражнений в письменной форме с. 29-32
2. чтение, аудирование с. 33, CD “What is the real price of tourism?”
3. чтение, письмо с. 74-75 “An extract from a holiday brochure”
4. write an extract from a holiday brochure с. 75
литература (основная, дополнительная)
| 1. Straightforward. Intermediate student’s book c. 56-65
2. Workbook c.29-33, 74-75
4. Traveling p.108// Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы
5. My summer holidays p.110// Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы.
6. Let us travel / Е.Н. Квасюк, М.М. Лукина // Методическое пособие. – Мурманск, 2006
7. Тема
| 7. A Life changes
B Happy birthday
C Dilemmas
Grammar Present perfect continuous 1. Present perfect continuous 2.
вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| A 1. Imagine that your life far divides up into a number of ‘stages’ or ‘periods’. How many are there? What name would you give to each stage?
A 2. What do you think is the biggest change in a human’s life: your first girlfriend/boyfriend? Losing your job? Getting married/divorced? Having a baby?
B 1. Are birthdays important? What’s the best birthday you’ve ever had?
B 2. ‘Life begins at 40’: Do you agree?
C 1. Have you ever been in a position where you had to decide between 2 really good things and you could only have one, not both? What did you do?
C 2. When you have a difficult decision to make do you find it helpful to get advice from other people – or does that just confuse you?
задания для самостоятельной работы
| Workbook
1. выполнение упражнений в письменной форме с. 34-37
2. чтение, аудирование с. 38, CD “Downshifting – a way of living ”
3. чтение, письмо с. 76-77 “A letter of advice”
4. write the email с. 77
литература (основная, дополнительная)
| 1. Straightforward. Intermediate student’s book c. 66-75
2. Workbook c. 34-38, 76-77
8. Тема
| 8. A Breaking news
B Speeding
C Bank robbers
Grammar Would. Unreal conditions 1. Unreal conditions 2.
вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| A 1. Do you like to read newspapers? Why? Why not? What are the most popular quality newspapers? Why?
A 2. Which newspapers are considered right-wing or left-wing? What kind of articles do you find most interesting?
B 1. Do you know how to drive? What’s the best thing about your driving? And the worst?
B 2. In your opinion? What are the most serious examples of bad driving?
C 1. Why do people rob banks?
C 2. How many films can you think of in which a robbery takes place? Why are such films so popular?
задания для самостоятельной работы
| Workbook
1. выполнение упражнений в письменной форме с. 39-42
2. чтение, аудирование с. 43, CD “The future of the press?”
3. чтение, письмо с. 78-79 “A funny crime story”
4. write the story с. 79
литература (основная, дополнительная)
| 1. Straightforward. Intermediate student’s book c. 76-85
2. Workbook c. 39-43, 78-79
3. Newspapers c. 144.; Press in Britain c. 146; American press c. 197 // Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы.
9. Тема
| 9. A Shops and shoppers
B E-shopping
C Telephone bills
Grammar Articles & determiners. Quantifiers 1. Quantifiers 2.
вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| A 1. ‘We are what we eat’ – what do you think this means? Are you what you eat? A 2. ‘Preservatives in food? Chemicals in food? Genetic modification – no problem’! Do you agree?
A 3. When you go shopping for food do you know what you want to buy – or do you choose things because you see them in the shop? How many of the things in the shopping basket do you buy regularly?
B 1. Have you ever bought anything online? Do you think online shopping is reliable? What potential problems are there?
B 2. Would you ever buy clothes online?
C 1. How often do you use a mobile? Do you text (SMS) a lot? Do you find it annoying when other people have conversations on their mobiles in public places?
C 2. Could you live without your phone for a month? How much do you spend a month on phone bills?
задания для самостоятельной работы
| Workbook
1. выполнение упражнений в письменной форме с. 44-47
2. чтение, аудирование с. 48, CD “E-retail rocketing”
3. чтение, письмо с. 80-81 “A letter of complaint”
4. write a letter с.81
литература (основная, дополнительная)
| 1. Straightforward. Intermediate student’s book c. 86-95
2. Workbook c. 44-47, 80-81
3. Shopping (at a department store) p.193//. Корнеева и др. Практика английского языка.-СПб, 2000
4. Shopping (buying foodstaffs) p.207//. Корнеева и др. Практика английского языка.-СПб, 2000
5. Shopping p.180// Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы.
10. Тема
| 10. A Secrets
B Mysteries
C Strictly confidential
Grammar Modals of speculation 1, 2 (present time). Modals of speculation (past time)
вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| A 1. Have you ever been to a magic show? Or seen a magician at work?
A 2. Do you believe in magic? What are some typical tricks magicians do? Do you know any conspiracy theories?
B 1. Have you ever pretended to be someone else? Why? Did it work?
B 2. Why might a person pretend to be another person for one evening? What about … for a lifetime?
C 1. Do other people have a right to know what you’re doing? At work? In public places? At home?
C 2. What information do you consider the most confidential? (your age, voting, financial situation, emails, your employment record)
задания для самостоятельной работы
| Workbook
1. выполнение упражнений в письменной форме с. 49-52
2. чтение, аудирование с. 53, CD “’Lucky’ Lord Lucan – alive or dead?”
3. чтение, письмо с. 82-83 “A Narrative”
4. write a story с. 83
литература (основная, дополнительная)
| 1. Straightforward. Intermediate student’s book c. 96-105
2. Workbook c. 49-52
11. Тема
| 11. A Olympic dreams
B The sporting year
C Sport relief
Grammar Passive. Verbs with two objects. Causative
вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| A 1. Which sports are the most popular in your country? Which are the most interesting to do? To watch?
A 2. Which sports are your favourite? Least favourite? Why?
A 3. Do you watch the Olympic games on TV? Why do sports people think the Olympics so important?
B 1. Are there any annual sports events you regularly go to? Which sporting event in Russia has the longest history?
B 2. Do you think it’s more interesting to watch team sports or sports in which individuals compete against each other?
C 1. What sports can disabled people take part in?
C 2. Do you think it is important for children to have playing fields and other sports facilities they can use? Why? Why not?
задания для самостоятельной работы
| Workbook
1. выполнение упражнений в письменной форме с. 54-57
2. чтение, аудирование с. 58, CD “Beauty and strength – the Paralympics”
3. чтение, письмо с.84 “A description of a sporting event”
4. write an information page about a local or national sporting event с. 85
литература (основная, дополнительная)
| 1. Straightforward. Intermediate student’s book c. 106-115
2. Workbook c. 54-58, 84-85
3. Olympic Games c. 170; Sports in Great Britain c. 172; Sports in Russia c. 174 // Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы
4. Sports and recreation in Britain c. 135-151 // В.В. Ощепкова, И.И. Шустилова Britain in Brief. – М.: Новая школа, 1997.
12. Тема
| 12. A Money matters
B Sue!
C Gifts of gold
Grammar Reported speech & thought. Reported questions. Tell & ask with infinitive
вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| A 1. Why do you think people become homeless? Does anyone choose to be homeless? Why might they do that?
A 2. Are you a saver or a spender? How much money do you spend on entertainment and having fun?
B 1. When people retire in Russia is there a typical present?
B 2. On big occasions, do you prefer a celebration or the presents?
C 1. What do you think you deserve a medal for?
C 2. How can people celebrate different occasions? (engagement, graduation, wedding anniversary, promotion)
задания для самостоятельной работы
| Workbook
1. выполнение упражнений в письменной форме с. 59-62
2. чтение, аудирование с. 63, CD
3. чтение, письмо с. 86-87 “Writing a report”
4. write a report about children’s spending habits с.87
литература (основная, дополнительная),
| 1. Straightforward. Intermediate student’s book c. 116-125
2. Workbook c. 59-63, 86-87