ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
«Мурманский государственный педагогический университет»
(страноведение и международный туризм)
Утверждено на заседании кафедры
английского языка и английской филологии
факультета филологии и журналистики
(протокол №7 от 27.04.2009 г.) Зав. кафедрой
РАЗДЕЛ 1. Программа учебной дисциплины. 1.1 Автор программы: Гарабар И.Л., ст. преподаватель каф. англ. языка и
английской филологии МГПУ 1.2 Рецензенты: Беличенко Е.А., к.ф.н., доцент зав.каф. англ. языка и английской филологии МГПУ;
Билоус Л.С., доцент кафедры английского языка МГИ 1.3 Пояснительная записка:
Цель практикума: обеспечить понимание без перевода любого современного текста.
Задачи практикума:
- содействовать расширению профессионально-педагогического кругозора путем усвоения ключевых понятий, связанных с анализом текста;
содействовать совершенствованию практического владения изучаемым иностранным языком;
- стимулировать формирование у студентов собственной позиции при чтении и обсуждении текста, а также накоплению опыта ее выражения путем создания педагогических ситуаций выбора, собственного проектирования возможных ситуаций, а также необходимости аргументировать свой выбор;
- содержательными и операционными средствами содействовать формированию у студентов приверженности гуманистическим ценностям образования и собственной жизни.
Объем дисциплины и виды учебной работы
№ п/п
| Шифр и наименование специальности
| Курс
| Семестр
| Виды учебной работы в часах
| Вид итогового контроля (форма отчетности)
| Трудоемкость
| Всего аудит.
| ЛК
| ПР/ СМ
| ЛБ
| Сам. работа
| 1.
| 020401 География (ОЗФ)
| 3
| 5
| 262
| 40
| -
| 40
| 222
| Зачет
| Содержание дисциплины
Очно-заочная форма 020401 География
| Ауд.
| ПР
| 1.
| Choosing an occupation of a PT teacher
| 10
| 10
| 55
| 2.
| Extreme situations
| 10
| 10
| 55
| 3.
| Emergency measures
| 10
| 10
| 55
| 4.
| Тестирование
| 10
| 10
| 57
| Итого
| 40
| 40
| 222
1.6.2. Содержание разделов дисциплины. 1 Choosing an occupation of a PT (VC) teacher
1. The problem of choosing an occupation. Career Decision Making
2. Role of PT (VS) teacher.
3. PT (VS) Lessons at school
4. Methods of teacher’s work.
5. Problems of teacher’s work.
именные и глагольные безличные предложения;
употребление артикля с именами собственными;
2. Extreme situations
1. Natural catastrophes
2. Effects of disasters
3. Accidents
конструкция «Сложное дополнение»;
оборот the more…the better;
неопределённые местоимения и наречия some, any, no, every и их производные;
сокращённые утвердительные и отрицательные предложения типа So shall I, Neither (nor) did he…
3 Emergency measures
1. First aid
2. Terrorism
3. training students in safety of life
Grammar: конструкция «Сложное дополнение»; оборот the more…the better; неопределённые местоимения и наречия some, any, no, every и их производные 1.6.3. Темы для самостоятельного изучения.
№ п/п
| Наименование раздела
| Форма самостоятельной работы
| Кол-во часов
| Форма контроля выполнения самостоятельной работы
| 1
| Choosing an occupation of a PT teacher
| Подготовить монологическое сообщение по одной из тем:
My future profession. Difficulties awaiting young workers”
“Methods of teacher’s work”
2. Разработать тему и подобрать материал для профессионально-направленного проекта.
- грамматические упражнения по теме
| 55
| - Проверка письменного сообщения и лексики по теме;
- ответы на вопросы преподавателя;
- обсуждение проблемы
в аудитории
| 2
| Extreme situations
| 1. Подготовить монологическое сообщение по теме:
- Flooding, fires, draughts, tornados, earthquakes, the effects of disasters
- Accidents: Car crashes, train crashes, plane crashes, disasters at sea
- грамматические упражнения по теме
| 55
| - Проверка письменного сообщения и лексики по теме;
- ответы на вопросы преподавателя;
- обсуждение проблемы
в аудитории
| 3
| Emergency measures
| Подготовить монологическое сообщение по одной из тем:
- Terrorism
- грамматические упражнения по теме
| 55
| - Проверка письменного сообщения и лексики по теме;
- ответы на вопросы преподавателя;
- обсуждение проблемы
в аудитории
| 4
| Подготовка к Интернет-текстированию
| Повторение пройденного грамматического и лексического материала, информации по страноведению англоговорящих стран
| 57
| Написание пробного Интернет-тестирования
1.7. Методические рекомендации по организации изучения дисциплины.
1.7.1. Тематика и планы аудиторной работы студентов по изученному материалу (планы последовательного проведения занятий: ПР, СМ, ЛБ) по предлагаемой схеме: 1 Choosing an occupation of a PT (VC) teacher
1. The problem of choosing an occupation. Career Decision Making
2. Role of PT (VS) teacher.
3. PT (VS) Lessons at school
4. Methods of teacher’s work.
5. Problems of teacher’s work.
именные и глагольные безличные предложения;
употребление артикля с именами собственными;
2. Extreme situations
1. Natural catastrophes
2. Effects of disasters
3. Accidents
конструкция «Сложное дополнение»;
оборот the more…the better;
неопределённые местоимения и наречия some, any, no, every и их производные;
сокращённые утвердительные и отрицательные предложения типа So shall I, Neither (nor) did he…
3 Emergency measures
1. First aid
2. Terrorism
3. Training students in safety of life
1. Тема
| Grammar: конструкция «Сложное дополнение»; оборот the more…the better; неопределённые местоимения и наречия some , any, no, every и их производные
| вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| 1 Choosing an occupation of a PT (VC) teacher
1. The problem of choosing an occupation. Career Decision Making
2. Role of PT (VS) teacher.
3. PT (VS) Lessons at school
4. Methods of teacher’s work.
5. Problems of teacher’s work
| задания для самостоятельной работы
| 1. Выполнение письменного перевода тексов с русского на английский язык
2. подготовить сообщение по теме: | литература (основная, дополнительная)
| Методическая папка кафедры ИЯ и МП
| 2. Тема
| Grammar: именные и глагольные безличные предложения; употребление артикля с именами собственными.
| вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| 2. Extreme situations
1. Natural catastrophes
2. Effects of disasters
3. Accidents
| задания для самостоятельной работы
| 1. Подготовить монологическое сообщение
- грамматические упражнения по теме
| литература (основная, дополнительная),
| - Учебно-методическое пособие Квасюк Е.Н., Куликовой Т.В. «Life safety in extreme situations».
- Методическая папка кафедры ИЯ и МП
| 3. Тема
| Grammar: конструкция «Сложное дополнение»; оборот the more…the better; неопределённые местоимения и наречия some, any, no, every и их производные; сокращённые утвердительные и отрицательные предложения типа So shall I, Neither (nor) did he…
| вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
| 3 Emergency measures
1. First aid
2. Terrorism
3. training students in safety of life
| задания для самостоятельной работы
| 1. Подготовить монологическое сообщение
- грамматические упражнения по теме
| литература (основная, дополнительная)
| - Учебно-методическое пособие Квасюк Е.Н., Куликовой Т.В. «Life safety in extreme situations»
1.8. Учебно-методическое обеспечение дисциплины
1.8.1. Рекомендуемая литература, учебные издания: учебники и учебные пособия, включая их электронные версии.
Philip Kerr & Ceri Jones Straightforward Intermediate.- Macmillan
Голицынский Ю. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – М., «Каро» - 1999
Цветкова И.В., Клепальченко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А. Английский язык для школьников поступающих в вузы. – М., «Глосса» - 1997
Raymond Murphy English grammar in use. Pre-Intermediate. – Cambridge University Press
Учебно-методическое пособие Квасюк Е.Н., Куликовой Т.В. «Life safety in extreme situations»
Голицынский Ю. Spoken English. Пособие по разговорной речи. – СПб., «Каро» - 2000
Занина Е. 95 устных тем по английскому языку – М., «Рольф» -1999
Корнеева Е.А., Баграмова Н.В., Чарекова Е.П. Практика английского языка. Сборник упражнений по устной речи. – СПб., «Союз» -2000
Пароятникова А.Д., Полевая М.Ю. Учебник для гуманитарных факультетов университетов. – М., «Высшая школа» - 1990
Raymond Murphy English grammar in use. Intermediate. – Cambridge University Press
Фролова Г.М. Учебник английского языка для первого курса языкового вуза.-М.:ИЛБИ, 1999
Для индивидуального чтения.
John Reynolds Gardiner Stone Fox / пособие для обучения чтению на английском языке. – Киев, 1996 – 60 с.
Agatha Christie The labours of Hercules – М., «Высшая школа», 1991 – 95 с.
Mark Twain Is he living or is he dead. – М., «Высшая школа», 1985 – 88 с.
W. Thackeray A shabby genteel story. – М., 1962 – 95 с.
Stuart Little/ after E. B. White/ adapted by A.A. Staviskaya - 95 с.
1.9. Материально-техническое обеспечение дисциплины.
1.9.3. Перечень видео- и аудиоматериалов, программного обеспечения.
2 CD Straightforward, которые включают 12 тестов по урокам, 4 итоговых теста, записи песен и материала для аудирования.
Видеокурс "Family album USA”, “Follow me”
Савватеева А.В. и др. кассеты к учебнику «Практический курс английского языка».
“London” (видеожурнал)
“Murmansk” (видеожурнал)
1.10. Примерные зачетные тестовые задания.
Find the mistakes and correct them.
A) right B) wrong
Even if my parents disapproved of my plans, I wouldn’t had given them up.
I wish children all over the world are happy.
If it were not for your uncle you wouldn’t choose your career.
If I pass my exams well I would go on holiday to the seaside.
If you went to London you might have seen the Queen.
2. Choose the correct variant
1.A) Painting / B) To paint a picture of the world as a cold and cruel place, parents make their children 2.A) to lose / B) lose their natural optimism about life. Kids need to feel good about the world in order to feel good about their own future. 3.A) Helping / B) Help other people, children develop empathy and tolerance. Moreover, emphatic children, 4.A) doing/ B) do better in school, maintain healthier relationships and develop a stronger sense of morals. 5.A) Receiving/ B) Receive lots of loving touches and kisses from parents, a child’s brain develops properly. 3. Choose the correct variant.
1. When parents A) are listening / B) listening to their children they C) are showing / D) shown them that they are interested in their problems.
2. It A) seems/ B) is seeming logical that the more parents open to their children, the more their children C) will open / D) opened to them.
3. Parents A) can / B) do teach their children how to get information they C) are looking for / D) looks for by taking them to the library.
4. Parents A) shouldn’t / B) can’t forget the ordinary rules of politeness because they C) are dealing / D) was dealing with their children.
5. When A) discussing / B) are discussing conflicts with children, parents should always say what they C) feel / D was feeling about it.
Choose the variant that is impossible in English.
A) I heard her reading lectures on Psychology.
B) I heard her read lectures on Psychology.
C) I heard her to read lectures on Psychology.
A) They watched him getting off the bus and crossing the road.
B) They watched him to get off the bus and cross the road.
C) They watched him get off the bus and cross the road.
A) Many young people consider teaching to be exciting. B) Many young people consider teaching exciting. C) Many young people consider teaching be exciting.
A) They considered themselves to be admitted to the University. B) They considered that they could be admitted to the University. C) They considered be admitted to the University.
A) You can’t make her choose teaching as a career. B) You can’t make her to choose teaching as a career. C) You cannot make her choose teaching as a career.
5. Fill in the appropriate words
Tornados develop quickly and with little warning. When a tornado is forming, weather conditions change very quietly, so you will not have very much time to prepare yourself. If lakes less than 15 minutes for the weather to change from blue skies to dark clouds and very strong winds. Most of die injuries people receive during tornados ate caused by flying debris. The winds blow objects around at high speed, and if one of these flying objects hits you, you're in trouble.
Finding shelter is your top priority. Cover yourself, especially your head, with something that will provide good protection. The safest place to be during a tornado is underground - for example, in a basement or cellar. If you can't get to a basement, the next best place to shelter is in an inside halfway or in a small room with no windows, near the centre of a building, like a bathroom or even a wardrobe.
If you're away from home when a tornado strikes, you should follow the same basic rules of survival. Stay calm and get to the lowest level possible, away from windows and outside doors. If you're in a car, or any other vehicle, when a warning is issued, you should get out of the vehicle and fie down in a low area away from your car, with your hands covering your head and neck. If you must seek shelter outdoors, be on the alert for the dangerous and sudden floods which often come with tornados. Тестовые задания для Интернет-тестирования по английскому языку
ДЕ 1. Грамматика
Заполните пропуск
1. It was a great idea of _______ to go swimming this afternoon. My best friend is three years _______ than me.
the youngest
most young
The oldest living tree in the world grows in _______ California.
She is going to study music _______ next year.
Begin with a minute _______ two of small talk.
My course _______ on Monday at 9.30.
are starting
shall start
have started
_______ of her arrival, I went to see her.
Being told
To tell
_______ the sunset. It’s going to be really hot tomorrow.
Look for
Look at
Look to
Look after
Your face seems familiar to me. We _______ have met somewhere.
A shorter, more _______ meeting leaves time for work.
ДЕ 2. Лексика
Заполните пропуск
1. Her current interest was _______ and development, but she has changed fields.
2. The person who handles applications for vacant posts is _______ .
personal officer
sales assistant
unskilled worker
safety officer
3. Cultural _______ are general practices found in every culture.
4. Social _______ is the ways people act towards one another when the meet.
ДЕ 3. Речевой этикет
Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
1. Hostess: Are you enjoying yourselves?
Guest: _______
Oh, yes, we’re having a fantastic time, thank you.
I don’t know.
What have you said?
Yes, we are enjoying ourselves.
2. Shop assistant: Can I help you?
Customer: _______
No, that’s not necessary.
Oh, good. I’m so glad to have met you.
No, it’s all right, I’m just looking.
3. Teacher: Well, good bye and the best of luck for the future.
Student: _______
Good luck.
Good bye for ever.
Thank you for teaching me, I really enjoyed your lessons.
Let’s hope for the best.
4. Boss: Do you see what I mean?
Employee: _______
Yes, do, please.
Yes, but I’m not sure I quite agree.
Yes, and I don’t agree with you.
I don’t think so.
ДЕ 4. Культура и традиции стран изучаемого языка
Заполните пропуск
1. British Museum is situated in _______ .
2. There are _______ stripes on the US flag. The largest city of Canada is _______ .
Bill Gates is a founder of _______ .
the largest automobile corporation
the first entertainment theme park
the Metropolitan Museum
the Microsoft Corporation
ДЕ 5. Чтение
Прочитайте текст
Auguste Comte
The French philosopher who is known as the Father of Sociology is Auguste Comte. Comte advocated a science of society, which he named sociology. It was Comte’s intention that there be one science of society to take its place alongside the various physical sciences, he stated the need for a “science of man”. He urged the use of natural science techniques in the study of social life. Comte also originated positivism, a philosophic doctrine that incorporated his views on sociology.
Auguste Comte was born in Montpellier, France, on Jan. 19, 1798. His father, Louis, was a tax official. Auguste studied at the Йcole Polytechnique, in Paris, from 1814 to 1816. In 1818 he became secretary to the Comte de St-Simon, a pioneer socialist. Beginning in 1826, Comte delivered private lectures to some of the leading French scholars and scientists of the day. These lectures became the basis of his most famous work, the six-volume “Course of Positive Philosophy” which was published between 1830 and 1842. In 1827, two years after his marriage to Caroline Massin, Comte suffered a mental breakdown. After his recovery he was on the staff of the Йcole Polytechnique from 1832 to 1842. In his four-volume “System of Positive Polity” published between 1851 and 1854 Comte formulated a concept called “religion of humanity”.
Comte is best known for his “law of the three stages”. According to this “law” man’s explanations of natural and social processes pass through three stages – the theological, the metaphysical and the positive. In the first stage, man sees these processes at the work of supernatural powers. In the second, he explains them by means of such abstract ideas as “causes” and “forces”.
In the third stage, he accumulates factual data and determines relationships among the observed facts. Comte believed that astronomy, physics, chemistry, and biology had evolved through these stages. He sought to organize sociology along “positive” lines. Comte died in Paris in Sept. 5, 1857.
Определите, являются ли утверждения
Auguste Comte applied techniques of other sciences in sociology.
He had no family of his own.
One of his famous concepts was “religion of humanity”.
Philosophers and thinkers of ancient societies made countless observations about human behaviour.
в тексте нет информации.
Укажите, какому из абзацев текста (1,2,3,4) соответствуют следующие идеи:
The foundation of sociology is closely connected with the name of philosopher Auguste Comte.
Comte supposed that natural sciences passed through three stages.
Ответьте на вопрос:
7. What does the law of three stages suggested by Comte imply?
A man sees and explains natural world and social events through theological, metaphysical and positive stages.
According to this law there are three stages in developing a person.
the society is evolved through three stages.
This law can be applied only for people.
Определите основную идею текста
8. ???
August Comte gave sociology its name and developed it as a science.
Positivism is a philosophic doctrine connected with sociology.
Sociology is considered to be a science of society.
Auguste Comte us well-known for his book “Course of Positive Philosophy”.
ДЕ 6. Письмо
1. Расположите части резюме в правильном порядке
personal details
professional experience
2. Определите к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок
… We are a large record store in the center of Manchester and would like to know more about CDs and DVDs you advertised in last month’s edition of Hi Fi. Could you tell us if the products are leading brand names, or made by small independent companies, and if they would be suitable for recording classical music, games and video?
We would appreciate it if you send us some samples.
Letter of enquiry/request
1.11. Примерный перечень вопросов к зачетам.
1-2 семестры
What are people most likely to lie about?
Are all lies bad – or can you tell a ‘good lie”?
What national symbols or distinctive characteristics are associated with your country?
Are you proud to be a citizen of your country?
What was your first impression of someone new? What did he/she look like?
Was your first impression accurate?
What’s the longest journey you have ever taken?
Would you ever go on an overland journey to more that 3 countries?
What can a tourist see or do in Australia?
How would you spend a month in Australia? Would you rather go surfing, have a beach barbecue or go scuba diving?
What’s the quickest way of travelling round your town?
What’s the most popular form of transport for people going to work?
What facilities does your part of town have?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living where you live?
Would you like to live somewhere completely different? Where?
Do you find it easy to get to sleep? What do you do when you can’t get to sleep?
Do you usually remember your dreams the next morning?
Does your country have a good reputation for food?
How often do you go to a restaurant or have a meal with friends?
What’s your favourite dish?
What are the risks involved in playing the lottery?
What was the last big risk you took?
Talk about similarities and differences between two people.
Do you think of yourself as especially lucky or unlucky? Are some people naturally lucky?
What do you think luck is?
Is it OK for companies to advertise in schools?
Is there too much advertising in the world today?
Have you ever bought anything as a result of an ad you’ve seen?
Have you worked in an office? What is daily life like in an office? Name things you find in every office.
What kind of relationships do people have in offices?
What items of stationery do you have with you now? Do you love buying stationery?
Have computers reduces the amount of paper in our life?
Do you take regular holidays? Do you usually holiday in your country or abroad?
Are you a good packer? What would you find in your ideal hotel?
When you want a day out do you prefer town or countryside? Walking, sport, sightseeing or shopping?
What is the best day out in this area for a family with young children?
When you go on holiday do you ever use a travel agent? How can he help you?
Would you book a plane flight over the phone, at a travel agent or on the internet?
Imagine that your life far divides up into a number of ‘stages’ or ‘periods’. How many are there? What name would you give to each stage?
What do you think is the biggest change in a human’s life: your first girlfriend/boyfriend? Losing your job? Getting married/divorced? Having a baby?
Are birthdays important? What’s the best birthday you’ve ever had?
‘Life begins at 40’: Do you agree?
Have you ever been in a position where you had to decide between 2 really good things and you could only have one, not both? What did you do?
When you have a difficult decision to make do you find it helpful to get advice from other people – or does that just confuse you?
Do you like to read newspapers? Why? Why not?
What are the most popular quality newspapers? Why?
Which newspapers are considered right-wing or left-wing?
What kind of articles do you find most interesting?
Do you know how to drive? What’s the best thing about your driving? And the worst?
In your opinion? What are the most serious examples of bad driving?
Why do people rob banks?
How many films can you think of in which a robbery takes place? Why are such films so popular?
‘We are what we eat’ – what do you think this means? Are you what you eat?
‘Preservatives in food? Chemicals in food? Genetic modification – no problem’! Do you agree?
When you go shopping for food do you know what you want to buy – or do you choose things because you see them in the shop?
How many of the things in the shopping basket do you buy regularly?
Have you ever bought anything online?
Do you think online shopping is reliable? What potential problems are there?
Would you ever buy clothes online?
How often do you use a mobile? Do you text (SMS) a lot?
Do you find it annoying when other people have conversations on their mobiles in public places?
Could you live without your phone for a month?
How much do you spend a month on phone bills?
Have you ever been to a magic show? Or seen a magician at work?
Do you believe in magic? What are some typical tricks magicians do?
Do you know any conspiracy theories?
Have you ever pretended to be someone else? Why? Did it work?
Why might a person pretend to be another person for one evening? What about … for a lifetime?
Do other people have a right to know what you’re doing? At work? In public places? At home?
What information do you consider the most confidential? (your age, voting, financial situation, emails, your employment record)
Which sports are the most popular in your country? Which are the most interesting to do? To watch?
Which sports are your favourite? Least favourite? Why?
Do you watch the Olympic Games on TV? Why?
Why do sports people think the Olympics so important?
Are there any annual sports events you regularly go to?
Which sporting event in Russia has the longest history?
Do you think it’s more interesting to watch team sports or sports in which individuals compete against each other?
What sports can disabled people take part in?
Do you think it is important for children to have playing fields and other sports facilities they can use? Why? Why not?
Why do you think people become homeless? Does anyone choose to be homeless? Why might they do that?
Are you a saver or a spender?
How much money do you spend on entertainment and having fun?
When people retire in Russia is there a typical present?
On big occasions, do you prefer a celebration or the presents?
What do you think you deserve a medal for?
How can people celebrate different occasions? (engagement, graduation, wedding anniversary, promotion.
1.11. Примерный перечень вопросов к экзамену.
Требования к экзамену:
К сдаче экзамена по английскому языку допускаются студенты, сдавшие следующее:
1. лексический минимум по специальности,
2. перевод с английского языка на русский язык профессионально-направленного текста общим объёмом 10 печатных страниц (требования к оформлению перевода: перевод предоставляется в печатном виде, шрифт Times New Roman 14, 1,5 интервал, перевод должен быть снабжён словарём и текстом оригинала. Примет титульного листа смотри Приложение).
3. аннотация на английском языке статьи по специальности (на русском или английском языке) объёмом 0,5 страницы.
Содержание экзамена:
Собеседование по теме (см. ниже)
Сообщение по теме «Моя будущая профессия»
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Speak on the topics:
1 Choosing an occupation of a PT (VC) teacher
1. The problem of choosing an occupation. Career Decision Making
2. Role of PT (VS) teacher.
3. PT (VS) Lessons at school
4. Methods of teacher’s work.
5. Problems of teacher’s work.
2. Extreme situations
1. Natural catastrophes
2. Effects of disasters
3. Accidents
3 Emergency measures
1. First aid
2. Terrorism
3. Training students in safety of life 1.13. Примерная тематика рефератов (не предусмотрено)
1.14. Примерная тематика курсовых работ (не предусмотрено)
1.15. Примерная тематика квалификационных работ (не предусмотрено)
1.16. Методика исследования (не предусмотрено)
1.17. Балльно-рейтинговая система (не используется)