Открытый урок по английскому языку в 8-м классе на тему

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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 8-м классе на тему:

Clothes make the man”

Шаймухаметова Чулпан Разитовна


  1. продолжить формирование умения употребления лексики.

  2. обучение восприятию на слух с извлечением нужной информации.

  3. развитие навыков чтения с поиском необходимой информации.

  4. развитие навыков диалогической речи.

  5. обучение выполнению письменных упражнений в формате ЕГЭ


  1. сформировать представление о мире моды.

  2. развивать воображение, мышление, логику.

  3. развивать самостоятельность.


  1. обеспечение нравственного воспитания учащихся

  2. воспитание толерантности

  3. воспитание уважения к чужому труду.

  4. формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.

Методы и приемы обучения:

  1. проблемное обучение

  2. коммуникативная методика

  3. групповая работа

  4. здоровьесберегающие технологии

  5. информационные компьютерные технологии

  6. национально-региональный компонент

Средства обучения:

Учебник “New Hotline” (elementary) Oxford University Press, аудиокассета, компьютер, проектор, карточки.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент.

There’s an English proverb “Clothes make the man”. Which Russian proverb suits it. (По одежке встречают, по уму провожают.) How would you translate this proverb? (Одежда делает человека)

Do you agree that clothes make the man?

Why? Why do you think so?

So, we’ll try to find out why clothes make the man.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

What kind of words and expressions can be used with the word “clothes”?

P: original, traditional, fashionable, suitable, warm, clean, dirty, neat, conservative, the latest fashion, to be in fashion, to be out of fashion, a fashion designer, to design fashion, unisex fashion, fashion for the young and for the adults, old-fashioned.

  1. Стили одежды.

When we speak about clothes we should speak about styles of clothing.

  1. There are a lot of styles. What kinds of styles do you know?

P: classical, modern, extravagant, sport style, conservative.

  1. Look at the screen. There are different kinds of styles. Match these clothes to the suitable styles. There are numbers on the pictures.

P: The first and the second models are the sport style?

  1. What is typical for sport style?

  2. What is your favourite style of clothing and why?

  1. Национальная одежда.

You know what people wore in the 20s-30s.Aand do you know what our ancestors wore?

What kind of style was it?

Look at these dolls and try to describe our national costumes.

Who is she? Do you know?

P: Suyumbike.

What details appear in our clothing? Does anybody wear this style nowadays? Where? Where can you see it today?

P: on holidays, on weddings, on concerts.

Now, open your exercise books, write down today’s date and choose the definitions to these Tatar words.

  1. shal a. a rounded pectoral

  2. chalbar b. a velvet jacket without sleeves

  3. kamsol c. a silk shawl

  4. kalfak d. dark trousers

  5. izyu e. a man’s headdress

  6. alka f. earrings

  7. tyubeteika g. a womman’s headdress

  8. yozek h. a collar fastening

  9. yaka chylbyr i. a ring

  1. Как одеваются популярные люди?

What about our famous people. What do they wear?

P: different kinds of clothes.

Who decides what we wear?

P: many people usually want to be like somebody

Famous people usually set the trend.

Do you try to look like particular pop stars? Who do you try to look like?

P: I like Orbakaite’s clothes but her clothes are effective only on the stage.

Can I come to school with such clothes?

P: No.

  1. Одежда для каждого случая.

  1. Different places need different clothes. And now, listen to me. Where can we go in these clothes?

  1. She is wearing a black sweatshirt with a hood, red shorts, black tights and black trainers.

  2. She is wearing a black dress, tights and high heeled black shoes. Her earrings and bracelet are from “The Jewel Shop”. She’s carrying a black bag.

  3. He’s wearing a brown suit, a white shirt with brown stripes, a brown tie with white stripes. He’s wearing brown shoes with long pointed toes.

  1. What do you wear for different occasions? Work in groups

Give some advice for a job application, sports or games, school or job, free time.

P: for a job application you should wear smart clothes, clothes in the right size, neat and tidy. You should have a light make up. You shouldn’t wear sport clothes.

For sports and games you should wear tracksuit, trainers. You should wear comfortable things to feel good in. you shouldn’t wear classical things, high heeled shoes.

For school or job you should wear school uniform and comfortable shoes. You should wear clothes in the right size. Don’t wear jewellery.

  1. Мода.

Speaking about clothes we can’t help talking about fashion. There is a text about fashion. The title is “What is in fashion”

  1. But first of all translate the following words.

  2. Look through this text and find answers to these questions. (The questions are on the blackboard)

    1. How are the things changing?

    2. What kinds of styles do people wear?

    3. What kinds of jeans are popular this season?

    4. What kinds of skirts do the teenager girls wear?

    5. What are the fashionable colours?

    6. Are the sport clothes in fashion, too?

    7. Is it good taste to wear tightly waisted clothes?

    8. Where do many young people buy their clothes?

What is in Fashion?

Fashion goes in cycles and those cycles can often be predicted. Fashion designers fool us into buying clothes that our parents bought twenty years ago. The things are changing in fashion.

People wear many different styles. Trousers can be wide or tight. Jeans supposed to be very fashionable and comfortable. This season low-waisted jeans with wide legs are very popular. Trainers are fashionable from well known companies, but so are shoes with high stiletto heels for women. Teenage girls wear mini skirts one day and very long skirts the next day.

Fashionable coloures are white, black and yellow. Make up is lighter this season. Sport clothes like track suits and trainers are in fashion too.

It’s good taste to wear tightly waisted clothes. It’s very fashionable to wear lace.

Many young people don’t like big department stores and they buy their clothes in small shops and boutiques. The idea is that people dress to please themselves.

  1. So, try to give a brief summary of this text.

  1. Заключительный этап.

1. Well, what do you think about an English proverb at the end of the lesson. Do you think that clothes make the man?

P; - I think clothes make the man because it is very important to find your own style and to wear something that suits you.

  • If you want to fund a job, you must wear smart and neat clothes.

  • It’s very important to wear right clothes for different situations

  • It’s bad to look alike; that’s why we mustn’t forget about fashion, too.

  • Clothes make the first impressions.

2. So, we’ve proved that clothes make the man.

I hope that you will never forget about it, and your appearance will help you to be successful.

3. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок.


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