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Please list any other U.S. institutions and departments in which you also may be interested. Feel free to share other information that you think might be helpful, e.g. preference for a geographic location, climate, etc. 47. It is not expected that you will apply for admission by direct application or correspondence with a university in the United States. If, however, you have already submitted an application form directly to any universities in the U.S., list the names of these institutions below and indicate the response you have received, if any. Please attach letters of admission, letters of invitation, and deferral requests to your application.
Application Page 9 FULBRIGHT PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR STUDY IN THE UNITED STATES CONFIDENTIAL LETTER OF REFERENCE This letter of reference must be written by a teacher under whom the applicant has studied or pursued research in the proposed field of study or by someone who has supervised the applicant in work related to the proposed field of study. This letter must be typewritten and in English. If not in English, then an accurate translation must be attached. Use the TAB key to move between fields.
3 Confidential Letter of Reference Page 1 . IN THIS RATING CHART, PLEASE EVALUATE THE APPLICANT IN COMPARISON WITH OTHER STUDENTS WHOM YOU HAVE KNOWN DURING YOUR POFESSIONAL CAREER. Excellent Very Good Average Below Average Not Applicable Intellectual Ability Knowledge of Field Work Habits Motivation to Pursue Graduate Study Seriousness of Purpose Potential For Significant Future Contribution in Field Resourcefulness and Initiative Emotional Maturity Adaptability to New Situations Leadership Qualities Teaching Potential ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 3 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation Research Travel Grants Program The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation awards grants of up to $2,000 each in support of research in the holdings of the Gerald R. Ford Library. A grant defrays travel, living, and photocopy expenses of a research trip to the Ford Library. Overseas applicants are welcome to apply, but they will be responsible for the costs of travel between their home country and North America. The grants only cover travel within North America. Library collections focus on Federal policies, U.S. foreign relations, and national politics in the 1960s and 1970s. There are earlier and later materials depending upon your topic You may download the application in Microsoft Word format. Before you apply, please contact the Library for information about holdings related to your project. To apply, please send the application form, a vita, and a two or three-page project proposal to the Library by mail, fax, or e-mail. The proposal should provide both a description of the project and the ways in which Ford Library resources can advance the research. Ask three professional references to send supporting letters of recommendation by mail, fax, or e-mail. As long as your application is received by the deadline (see below), letters of recommendation will be accepted at any point before the meeting of the Grants Screening Committee (usually several weeks after the deadline). When are the application deadlines? Awards are made twice yearly. Application deadlines are MARCH 15 and SEPTEMBER 15. If you submit your application by mail, it must be postmarked by the deadline. You may submit applications at any time, and those received too late for one round will automatically be considered in the next. How and when are grants awarded? Selection criteria are pertinence of "open" Library holdings, project significance, appropriateness of project design, and applicant qualifications. The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation typically authorizes $30,000-$35,000 for grants each year. The Grants Coordinator will notify grant recipients about two months after the deadline. Grants must support research conducted after the awards are announced and will not be awarded retroactively for research already conducted. The Library staff presents the grant check when the recipient arrives to begin research. Grant recipients must begin Ford Library research within one year of receiving an award notice, acknowledge Foundation support in the resulting publication(s), and donate to the Library a copy of the publication(s). What other grants are available through the Gerald R. Ford Library? The "Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award (Dissertation Award) in Honor of Robert Teeter" in the amount of $5,000 is given annually to one individual to support dissertation research on an aspect of the U.S. political process during the latter part of the twentieth century. GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL FOUNDATION Research Grant Application
About Our Support Each year the Ford Foundation receives about 44,000 proposals and makes some 2,000 grants. Types of support include grants, recoverable grants, loans and loan guarantees. Requests range from a few thousand to millions of dollars and are accepted in categories such as project planning and support; general support; and endowments. Grant applications are reviewed at our New York headquarters and in our regional offices. Please check the locations of our regional offices to determine if we operate in your country of interest. Grants A grant is a commitment by the foundation to make payments to an organization or an individual over a set period of time to further one of the interest areas in which we work. The foundation gives the grantee autonomy over management of the funds, but all grantees must sign a letter agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions of the grant. Grants administrators ensure that the grant-making process—from preparation of the grant recommendation to the closing of the file—conforms to the foundation's procedures and standards. Here are the types of grants we make:
Program-Related Investments (PRIs) These investments are usually loans made at below-market interest rates. PRIs can be made to both nonprofit and for-profit businesses as long as the money is used to further a charitable purpose. PRIs are helpful to businesses and social enterprises whose access to the market banking system is limited because of a lack of credit history or uncertainty about the eventual success of a project. When using a PRI, a program officer can also grant loan guarantees, equity investments or deposits in banks to help grantee organizations gain access to capital. Sometimes a grant can be coupled to a PRI to provide technical assistance or other support to guarantee the success of a PRI. The Ford Foundation pioneered the use of PRIs in 1968. By 2007, we had committed $400 million for social investments, and thousands of donors now use PRIs to advance philanthropic work. PRI support is generally restricted to existing grantees of the foundation. ГЛОССАРИЙ Грант — средства, безвозмездно передаваемые дарителем (фондом, корпорацией, правительственным учреждением или частным лицом) некоммерческой организации или частному лицу для выполнения конкретной работы. В отличие от займа, грант не нужно возвращать. Заявка — письменное обращение с просьбой о выделении гранта. Как коммерческая фирма составляет бизнес-план с целью убедить вкладчиков поместить деньги в дело, так заявка необходима для того, чтобы убедить грантодателя (дарителя) вложить деньги в Ваш проект. Однако, в отличие от бизнес-плана, заявка пишется, чтобы получить средства на некоммерческий проект, то есть на дело, которое заведомо не принесет прибыли. Аппликационная форма - анкета, предлагаемая конкретной грантообразующей организацией в качестве бланка заявки. В случае отстутствия таковой заявка подается в свободной форме. Доноры (грантодатели, спонсоры) — частные лица или организации, рассматривающие заявки на грант и предоставляющие гранты. Заявители (applicants) — частные лица или организации, подающие заявки на грант. Как правило, в благотворительные и государственные фонды обращаются за поддержкой организации, выполняющие проекты, которые не принесут прибыли ее членам исполнителям проекта, владельцам фирмы, учредителям организации и т.д.). В настоящей брошюре мы будем называть некоммерческой (бесприбыльной, non-profit) организацию, которая либо не получает прибыли от своей деятельности, либо получает, но использует ее на цели своего развития (уставную деятельность), а не распределяет ее в виде дивидендов среди своих членов (совладельцев, учредителей и т.д.). Разнообразные организации, от местной экологической группы до телевизионной компании и муниципалитета, могут быть некоммерческими. |
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